Our Mission
Within a safe and secure environment we seek to equip our pupils for the world of today and tomorrow, to foster self-esteem and respect for others, to widen horizons and to give them the means to reach those horizons and beyond.
AmruthaVarshini Vidyalaya offers a motivating and inspiring environment and opportunities for every child's comprehensive development - body, mind, heart and spirit. Ordinary children begin to perform extraordinarily in such a motivating environment. They are supported in their individual interests and challenged to their highest potential.
We inspire every child to become both good and smart.
AmruthaVarshini Vidyalaya offers a motivating and inspiring environment and opportunities for every child's comprehensive development - body, mind, heart and spirit. Ordinary children begin to perform extraordinarily in such a motivating environment. They are supported in their individual interests and challenged to their highest potential.
We inspire every child to become both good and smart.